Whenever a student completes his degree from Allama Iqbal Open University, he does not receive his degree automatically at his home address. For getting his degree at the home address students need to apply for aiou degree. All the programs of Allama Iqbal Open University (Matric, F.A, B.A, B.Ed, M.A, M.Ed, and Ph.D.) have to go through the stage.
But some students have this problem: they must learn how to get a degree from Allama Iqbal Open University. Your problem solution is here in this article we tell you how to apply for aiou degree and how many steps are required for AIOU Degree Apply.
Some Important Instruction Before Apply AIOU Degree
Before applying for the degree, make sure that if you have reappeared in any semester, clear it first.
- There should be no unpaid dues of any kind that you have not paid.
- Any type of fake document is not acceptable.
Require Document for Aiou Degree Application
If you want to apply for aiou degree you have required the following document.
- Candidate ID card/B form copy.
- All semesters passed the result card.
- PRC/Transcript from all semesters for which a Certificate/Degree is required (result cards from all semesters)
- Attested Copies of Previously Completed Certificates/Degrees (Stamp with Officer’s Name & Designation).
- Reappeared subject paid challan form.
Aiou Degree Apply Challan Form
For generating aiou degree challan form follow all the steps given below.
- First of visit this link https://online.aiou.edu.pk/challan/.Select the option of student into the depositor type and click the button of next.
- Then a new window will open in front of you, In this window you should need to enter your RollNo, Name, Father Name, Select Category and Select Program.
- In the Select Category selection, you need to select the option of Degree/certificate Fee. If you want to download the challan form for the reappeared subject then you need to select Reappear Exam Fee.
- Then click the button to download your challan form will be generated. You can pay this challan form through any bank or online banking app.
Aiou degree application Step by Step Guide
First of all, open Google Chrome on your mobile or computer and type aiou degree apply form. Then the first link will come to the official website of Allama Iqbal Open University. Click on it and find the degree form. After downloading the degree form fill in all the information.
Fill out this form with all the correct information and attach it to all documents. After that send to the send office depart of Allama Iqbal Open University.
Contact Number for the AIOU degree section
For more information, you can contact Allama Iqbal open university officer.
Matric/FA Certificate 052-9057333
Bachelor Certificate 052-9057331
B.Ed Certificate 052-9057332
Post Graduate Certificate 052-9057329